


Application & Partnership

We hope you’ll join us!

Partnerships / Funding

Visit Lake County is funded primarily through state and local hotel tax receipts and grants.  We receive an annual grant from DCEO/Illinois Office of Tourism, which we are required to match though local sources.  Match sources include industry partner dues, community partnerships and co-op advertising projects.  Our community investors are Antioch, Deerfield, Fox Lake, Grayslake, Gurnee, Highland Park, Lake County, Lake Zurich, Libertyville, Lincolnshire, Historic Downtown Long Grove, Mundelein, Vernon Hills, Wauconda, Waukegan and Zion. 

Partnership Downloads

Partnership Application

Fill out this form and submit to VLC, along with your full description and high-resolution photos and your business logo. View the link to the Partnership Opportunities brochure for pricing ranges, but please contact our staff to determine your actual annual partnership investment amount. We also recognize seasonal flows, so we can consider modifications or installments. Once determined, we’ll send payment arrangements. Our goal is to offer the easiest path towards inclusion for our many industry partners.

* Business Name:

* Primary Contact Title:

* Primary Contact Name:

* Contact Email Address:

* Address:

Address 2:

* City:

* State:

* Zip:

* Invoicing Contact Name:

* Invoicing Email Address:

Invoicing Address (if different):

Invoicing Address 2:

Invoicing City:

Invoicing State:

Invoicing Zip:

* Phone Number:

* Website:

* Please provide a brief description of your business that is at least 50 words or more.

Payment Method:

Check Invoice Me Send Credit Card Payment Link

By submitting this form, I understand my partnership will not start until LCICVB receives and processes my payment. Special consideration will be given to businesses paying in multiple increments however; dues are non-refundable if final payment is not received within 30 days of first payment. In that case, benefits will be terminated.

Human Validation:

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